Community Network Against Malaria Epidemic in Tanzania (CONAMET) is a network of non-state actors (NSAs) working towards preventing, controlling, and reducing the malaria-related high death rate. It is a non-profit making network that brings together different community actors, civil society organizations (CSOs), community groups, networks and individuals from malaria-affected communities to jointly mobilize efforts to improve health of Tanzanians.
Vision Statement
A well-coordinated strong malaria network contributing to malaria-free Tanzania
Mission Statement
To reduce the burden of malaria in Tanzania by promoting the use of evidence-based interventions, strengthening community health systems, and fostering collaboration among stakeholders.

CONAMET was founded at the end of 2022, and duly registered on 22nd May 2023 under the Non-Governmental Organizations Act, 2002 with Registration No. ooNGO/R/4729 as the umbrella network of malaria-focused organizations in Tanzania. It was prompted by the realization of the missing active role of NSAs in the fight against malaria that requires concerted efforts.

Our Core Values
To achieve the vision and mission, CONAMET will persistently and meticulously abide to our identities and the culture built on the following core values:

  • Collaboration - fostering collaboration, networking, and linkages for achieving intended results
  • Empowerment - seeking to empower partners and intended communities for the purpose of creating local solutions and long-term sustainability in the development of technical support, knowledge, goods and services
  • Innovation - committed to employing innovation in the delivery of goods and services to intended communities
  • Quality - upholding the highest professional and ethical standards in the delivery of quality health services to intended communities
  • Excellence - striving for excellence in implementing internal processes, interaction with stakeholders and communities by upholding the highest standards of professionalism in the business ecosystem
  • Integrity - conduct our operations in a transparent and accountable manner


CONAMET promotes working with broad, but relevant partnership and focusing on our core values and principles


Despite being a start-up, CONAMET has proved being rational and has significant achievements which constitutes its growth as an organisation enjoying a very positive reception and acceptance country-wide and beyond. The government endorsement and blooming number of membership subscription from all over the country demonstrates its rationality.


CONAMET solicitation of funding are based on four major sources and resources mobilization mechanisms namely